High doses of statins can cause kidney damage
High doses of statins, a drug prescribed to lower cholesterol, could dramatically increase the risk of kidney damage, a new study has warned.

High doses of statins can cause kidney damage
High doses of statins, a drug prescribed to lower cholesterol, could dramatically increase the risk of kidney damage, a new study has warned.

Large asteroid heading to Earth? Pray, Nasa saysNasa chief Charles Bolden has advice on how to handle a large asteroid headed toward New York City: Pray.

'Eating vitamin A pills, deworming doesn't cut child mortality'
A five-year trial of Deworming and Enhanced Vitamin A supplementation (DEVTA) in one million pre-school children in Uttar Pradesh, a trial larger than all other vitamin A trials combined.

Sun storm forecast: Tiny chance of havocIn 1859 the Sun erupted, and on earth, wires shot off sparks that shocked telegraph operators and set their paper on fire.

Warming will lead to more Katrina-like stormsSince 1923, there has been a Katrina magnitude storm surge every 20 years. But now, scientists have let out an ominous warning — there could be 10 times as many Katrinas in the near future.

Curiosity faces second glitch, in 'safe mode'Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity has gone on a precautionary 'standby mode' after a software glitch hit the robot over the weekend, scientists say.

NASA spots leaping lunar dust
Electrically charged lunar dust near shadowed craters can get lofted above the surface and jump over the shadowed region, bouncing back and forth between sunlit areas on opposite sides, according to new calculations by NASA scientists.

Second computer glitch shuts down Nasa Mars rover
The Mars rover Curiosity has had a second computer glitch, extending an unplanned work break for the NASA robot that discovered the first life-friendly chemistry beyond Earth.

Soon, a car that runs on cold airA UK-based inventor claims to have developed the ultimate green vehicle — a car that runs only on cold air — and it can reach speeds of up to 48 km per hour.

Making many night trips to loo? You're losing work productivityNight-time trips to the loo can make you less productive at work, a new study has claimed.

Swine flu virus getting resistant to Tamiflu?Swine flu virus may be now resistant to key medicine Tamiflu, raising fears a new outbreak may be difficult to fight, Australian research has warned.

Earthquakes turn water into instant goldMidas touch! Earthquakes cause water in faults to vaporize, depositing gold in the Earth's crust, according to a new study.

Diabetic capital Gujarat makes own moleculePharma major Cadila Healthcare may soon become one of a handful of Indian companies to launch an indigenous molecule.

Mariana Trench bottom found to be teeming with microbes
The deepest place in the ocean has surprisingly been found to be swarming with microbial life.

'Herbal medicines causing kidney failure, bladder cancer in India'Herbal medicines are causing millions in India to develop kidney failure and bladder cancer.

Universal vaccine against influenza possible
Scientists have shown that a combination of immune cells and antibodies could pave the way for a universal vaccine against influenza, says a study.

Microbes flourish in deepest spot in world's oceans: Study
Microbes are thriving in surprising numbers at the deepest spot in the oceans, the 11,000-metre (36,000 ft) Mariana Trench in the Pacific

Horse meat can be best bet in cholesterol fightRegular consumption of horse meat can lower cholesterol and boost blood iron levels, a new study has claimed, amid a row around the globe over contamination of meat products.

10 more Pluto moons still undiscovered?Pluto's orbit may host a formation of 10 or more tiny undiscovered moons, which would each measure just 1 to 3 kilometres across, astronomers say.

'Potential treatment for cocaine addiction'Scientists have discovered a molecular process in the brain triggered by cocaine use that could provide a target for treatments to prevent or reverse addiction to the drug.

Obese heart patients are less likely to die: StudyObese cardiac patients are more likely to survive than their normal weight peers, scientists claim.

Scientists revive the genome of an extinct Australian frog
A frog extinct for the last 30 years may be brought back to life.

Liver kept alive outside body and fit for transplantation tooIn a world's first, scientists from Oxford University and doctors from King's College Hospital have successfully "kept alive" a donated human liver outside a human being and then successfully transplanted it into a patient in need of a new liver.

Teenage depression linked to cardiac risk factors
A new study suggests that depression suffered during teens may predispose people to higher cardiac risk factors as adults.

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