Monday, February 4, 2013

LifeStyle:2/5/2013 7:44:33 PM

Go ornate with stylish 'distressed furniture'

Now you can get that unique antique look with distressed furniture. Go on decorate your home

There's never a dull moment in life: Janki Lenin

Janaki Lenin, wife of Rom Whitaker – herpetologist, wildlife conservationist, launched her book My Husband And Other Animals, recently

Dungarees are back in fashion

Once considered a workman's overalls, dungarees are now back on the fashion scene. And they aren't just strolling attire either.

Wedding colour combinations to try

Coming up with a great wedding colour is a very stressful part of any wedding. The colour scheme not only sets the tone for the wedding but the rest of your planning is also based on it.

Top 10 superstitions related to food

That's part of the many food superstitions that folks believe in.While it's considered lucky to break the shells of an egg, one should also throw some salt to avoid bad luck.

Modern wheat could be slowly killing you

Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison," a cardiologist has warned.

Your coffee predicts your personality

A cup of coffee in your hand not only has froth and sugar at its bottom, your personality lives their as well

Meghamalai: Land of greens and blues

The misty Meghamalai, is a perfect weekend getaway to unwind. We explore the surprises in store for us

Sudden aggression in dogs a sign of pain

Sudden acts of aggression by dogs could be related to some internal pain they are feeling.

Why fitness is better than weight loss

Why do you exercise - only to lose weight or for fitness? If you're slim and lean, you don't have to pump iron – true or false? As long as I watch what I eat I am healthy, do you agree? Most people believe in these false and mythical 'facts'.

Sleep well to fight stress

A good night's sleep not only lifts your mood but is also a stress buster. Make sure you get adequate amount of sleep and start your day fresh.

Bad bosses damage health, quality of life

A good boss is like having a good neighbour. If you are not lucky enough to have such a boss, then it can be incredibly damaging to your health and quality of life.

Teach your kid, failure is a part of learning

Children may perform better in school and feel more confident about themselves if they are told that failure is a normal part of learning...

Why it hurts to be unfriended on FB

The more you are on Facebook the more emotional ties you have to different interactions on the social platform-that's one reason why 'virtual rejection' hurts, says an expert.

Tips to arrange your kitchen neatly

Smartly planned kitchen wins a lot of admirers with its spruced up look.

Turkey Mussalam recipe

Chef Crystal Mendonce, Peninsula Grand Hotel shows you how to make it.

Book Review: Little Women and Me

Check out the modern take on the original classic

Treat blackheads with egg white

We never tire of fighting blackheads. Here's a potion that will help in removing them, deep cleansing and tightening your skin and controlling oiliness.

10 Unlikely turn-ons for women

Forget tight abs and fast cars. It's the subtle things that are the most entrancing

Sex-guide according to your age

We bring a complete sex-guide that gives an age-wise account of your sexual urges and traits...

Exercise on empty stomach for fat loss

Early risers who exercise before breakfast can burn up to 20 per cent more body fat than others who exercised after having something to eat

Hanging your own birdcage

Here's how to do it right...

New avatars of Ramayana reflect modern times

The Indian epic Ramayana is moving beyond convention to more profound retellings to reflect new realities

6 wardrobe staples that adapt to anything

Think of your wardrobe as a well-stocked fridge: From it, you only need a few basic ingredients to throw together a great combo.

How to wear gold glamorously

Very few young women love wearing gold, because they believe it's a colour for older women or for those women, who have a gaudy fashion sense!

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